Labolatory of Art and Form

Tarrah Krajnak

From April 13 to April 29, 2024 Open hours : 10 - 17

Master Rituals II : Weston's Nudes

1979年ペルーのリマ出身のタラ・クライネックは、便利堂が開催するHariban Award 2021の最優秀賞受賞者で、今回は彼女が京都のレジデンシー期間中コロタイプ印刷技術を使って制作したした作品の展覧会です。クライネックは『Masters Rituals』の第二章となる本シリーズで、アメリカ写真の父と呼ばれる写真家エドワード・ウェストンの写真集『NUDES』と『DARKROOM2』に焦点を当てます。ウェストンが写した象徴的な女性のヌードモデルに扮してセルフポートレートを撮影し、写真家として、また被写体としてその写真集を書き換える試みを行いました。その中で、有色人種の女性が古典的写真の規範から切り離されていたという事実と、ウェストンの写真集に身を捧げた女性たちの顔や頭、知的貢献がいかに写真というメディアから排除されていたかという歴史を提示します。

Benrido is pleased to present “Master Rituals II: Weston’s Nudes”, a solo exhibition by Tarrah Krajnak, the Grand Prize Winner of the 2021 Hariban Award. In this second chapter of the “Master Rituals” series, Krajnak focuses on the photo books “Nudes” and“Darkroom2” by photographer Edward Weston, known as the father of American photography. The self-portraits were taken by Krajnak in the guise of iconic female nude models photographed by Weston, in an attempt to rewrite the body of work as bothphotographer and subject. In doing so, the work presents the fact that women of colour have been excluded from the norms of classical photography and the history of how the faces, heads and intellectual contributions of the women who dedicatedthemselves to Weston’s photographic books were excluded from the medium of photography.


Future Exhibitions


Juvana Soliven

Juvana Soliven is a visual artist and educator from Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Soliven’s work subverts and utilizes object languages to speak to issues regarding intimacy, labor, and women’s positionality within the patriarchal system.

Soliven completed an MFA in Metalsmithing at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2016, a BFA in Sculpture at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2013, and studied Art Restoration and Conservation at Lorenzo de’ Medici International School in Florence, Italy in 2012. Soliven is a Lecturer in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Fine Arts at Chaminade University of Honolulu. Her work is in the collections of Cranbrook Art Museum, Honolulu Museum of Art, Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, as well as in private collections. Soliven has exhibited nationally and internationally, including the Netherlands, Germany, and Iceland.


Dafni E. Barbageorgopoulou

Dafni E. Barbageorgopoulou is a greek artist currently based in Berlin. Her works involve a number of different sculptural disciplines, often working with forms taken from the mundane and transforming them into extraordinary shapes.


Events and Exhibitions


Air Stones and Planet Gardens

リンダ・ペンゼ/トルステン・ブルーメ Linda Pense / Torsten Blume

2023年10月20日-11月12日 October 20th – November 12th 2023 / Thursday – Sunday 2-7pm

オープニング レセプション2023年10月20日16:00時-Opening Reception: October 20th 2023 / 4pm

協力:日本バウハウス協会 Goethe-Institut





Die Ausstellung befragt das Element Luft als ein mögliches Medium der Gestaltung und der Inspiration für offene Formfindungen, in denen es weniger um statische Bildkonzepte, sondern vielmehr um graduelle Konditionierungen und Kalibrierungen von Wahrnehmungsbedingungen und das Erzeugen von Atmosphären geht. Torsten Blume und Linda Pense zeigen dazu serielle Zeichnungen sowie skulpturale und Videoarbeiten zu imaginären „Air Stones“ und „Planet Gardens“.  

 Dabei greifen sie auch Ansätze aus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf, in denen die Dominanz einer anthropozentrischen Weltsicht in der Kunst mit Bezug auf Formen sowie Funktionsweisen natürlicher Gegebenheiten und Prozesse überwunden werden sollte, um Bilder zu schaffen, die wie „Organismen“ wirken und Atmosphären bilden können. Diese auch als „Biozentrik“ (Raoul H. Francé, 1920) oder „Bioromantik“ (Ernst Kallei) 1931) beschriebene Gestaltungsperspektive hat am historischen Bauhaus auch die künstlerischen Praxen von Paul Klee oder Laszlo Moholy-Nagy wesentlich geprägt. Fotos und Videos zu ein- und ausatmenden „Geistern der Luft“, die Studierende der Kuwasawa Design School Tokyo, im Unterricht von Torsten Blume und Linda Pense zusammen mit Asuka Kawabata, Kazushige Suzuki und Makoto Shindo entwickelt haben, ergänzen die Präsentation.

The exhibition interrogates the most volatile, mobile and invisible element air, which as weather, climate and mood, however, is always immediately and everywhere sensible, as a medium and inspiration for atmospheric form and image findings.

The drawings of Linda Pense, made of overlapping delicate pastel colors, seem like images of imaginary air condensations and seem to breathe, as it were. In addition, there are graphics and videos with fine line weaves, which were created as fictional visualizations of a language of the air spirit Ariel from William Shakespeare's "The Tempest", characterized by various types of winds and weather.

Torsten Blume draws scenery from "planetary gardens" as described by the French writer Gaston Pawlowski in his 1912 science fiction novel "Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension". In these "planetary gardens" humans, animals, plants and actually all natural existences dissolve as it were in air, or they connect in their metamorphoses with the atmospheres which surround them.

When Linda Pense and Torsten Blume search for images for an immediate sensation of our being-in-the-air, they also refer to material experiments and elemental exercises of the historical Bauhaus. At the same time, however, through traditions in which an air populated by spirits, as well as wind and weather deities, manifested their direct connection and kinship with the nearest living climate of the people, are an important source of inspiration for them.
